Celframe Office Case Study

Enhancing Productivity for an Architecture Firm

Enhancing Productivity for an Architecture Firm

Industry: Architecture
Client Size: 450 Employees
Region: Australasia


A mid-sized architecture firm in Australasia faced challenges in managing project documentation, blueprints, and client presentations across various departments. Their existing system relied on multiple disconnected tools for document creation, version control, and collaboration. As a result, the firm experienced delays in project approval, miscommunication between teams, and difficulties in sharing updated blueprints with clients. Additionally, the absence of secure file storage raised concerns about intellectual property protection.

The firm needed a unified platform to streamline document management, enable real-time collaboration, and enhance security.


The architecture firm adopted Celframe Office to streamline project management and improve team collaboration. Celframe Office offered:

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Architects, engineers, and designers could work on the same documents and blueprints simultaneously, ensuring real-time updates and version control.
  • Secure Cloud-Based Storage: The firm stored blueprints, project documents, and client presentations in a secure cloud environment, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Integration with Design Software: Celframe Office integrated seamlessly with the firm’s design tools, allowing for quick document exports and sharing with clients.


The firm’s data migration was completed in two months, during which Celframe Office’s support team trained employees on the platform’s collaborative features. Security protocols were also enhanced to protect sensitive project data, including encryption and multi-factor authentication.


After implementing Celframe Office, the architecture firm saw improvements across the board:

  • 35% Increase in Project Efficiency: Real-time collaboration and version control reduced delays in project approval and design revisions.
  • 40% Improvement in Document Security: Secure cloud-based storage protected sensitive design documents and ensured compliance with intellectual property laws.
  • 25% Faster Client Communication: Teams were able to share updated blueprints and documents with clients more efficiently, speeding up approval processes.

Tip of the Day:
🏗️ Streamline your creative processes by collaborating in real-time with secure, cloud-based document management.

Joke of the Day:
Why did the architect love Celframe Office?
Because their “blueprints” were never in the “red”! 🏙️